Change is not only common today in the workforce it’s actually essential for growth.

It doesn’t matter if we make a conscious choice or it is forced. Either way, it becomes your reality and too often, people ‘freak-out’ by change, when in fact, you should take a deep breath, get a hold of yourself, re-group and EMBRACE the new opportunity that now lies in front of you. If you can keep your head in the right place, you will move forward and if you invest your time in good quality self-management, you will also be fluid about the change(s) you are about to make.

The key to this door of uncertainty is to find balance within you. I don’t want to minimize how serious a forced change can be, as I know it’s not an easy process. And, for those that know my back story – I can and do speak from experience, but I also know that it’s driven by a good attitude and doing all the right research to get a solid understanding on your skills, your transferrable skills, your passions, your needs so you can get a really good strategic plan in place.

You are the brand and to brand something with success, you should think about who the end user is. If you approach it from that point of view, do the research and understand your market, you will make the change successfully. The end user is the hiring community within the industry of choice. Make your brand message a memorable one. Tell a good story. Make the narrative powerful.

Find your target and make sure you connect. That, after all is what the process of change is about, targeting and connecting. That’s how you move it forward. So, relax, make your self-adjustments, think about the modifications necessary and organize a ‘blueprint’ for success.


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