Looking for a job and getting a career path under way can be frustrating and full of disappointments. It’s all part of the process and if you let it grab you by the throat, it will knock you on your tail. The secret to a good ‘career sequence’ is keeping your head in a good space, having the attitude necessary to carry you through.

Yes, I know you need skills and credibility to build but it’s just not enough to be really good or even great at what you do. if your attitude sucks, people will notice and they will avoid having you on-board. Simple as that.

So get your resume in good shape. Get your cover letter ‘tight’ and target it appropriately. Get your web site and your blog in presentation form and then get your head in the best possible place you can. Attitude is the fuel that drives all the credentials.

When you are on the market – make sure you have a full tank and hit the road!!!!!




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