We all have natural talent(s). The key to our success is to tap into that and develop it. Too often, we are forced from an early age to focus on our weaknesses so we can strengthen them. While it is important and helpful to recognize those weaknesses, it’s more important to focus on our strengths and push them even further, as that’s what you build on. A strong foundation isn’t strong unless it’s solid and that comes from total strength, force and power.

It has become a part of our culture to concentrate and make the ‘weakness’ a central point of what we are. If you make that a priority, you tend too lose sight of what you really are and where you are going. You can travel further when you have a full tank. The time efficiency for your career path and your life is better served if the cornerstone is your strength…..not the weakness.

I, as a hiring manager am interested in the strengths of an individual. I am seriously cognizant of the team I build and I want each individual to be a sum of all parts to make the foundation of my team as strong and as durable as possible.

Learn to define your natural abilities and let them be your guide. Invest time in your own greatness. Recognize your strengths and market/brand that.


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