Don’t be half good. What’s the point of doing ANYTHING if it isn’t endorsed by YOU 100%?

Too often, and we are all guilty from time to time, we try and cut the corners and cheat a little bit. Sometimes, we feel compelled to do it. Maybe there is external pressure to “just get it done” and the feeling is that if “I don’t get it done – I will have some consequence to pay.”

With rare exception, this can be acceptable. But at the end of the day – you are the owner of what you are doing and if it’s not done properly, up to expectations, or better, beyond expectations, than clearly, you have not given the 100% it demands.

And the consequences to be paid for that are far greater than doing ‘it’ half good.

If it falls – pick it up. Don’t look for the easy way out. Look for solutions that make sense. Look to solve the problem. Look for the best way to get it done. Invest in a good ‘think’ before you take action. In the long run, this will save you time and allow you an opportunity to give 100%.


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