Who I am begins with who I was…
As a Creative Service Provider, I distinguished myself as a commercial, state-of-the-art digital photographer in New York City. I captured content for some very iconic brands, developed excellent business skills and earned the respect of the creative community by producing quality and award-winning photography that has appeared globally. I loved what I did and don’t for one minute, minimize how lucky I was.
In 2007, I had career-ending eye surgery that dictated a change of careers and a professional re-invention.
I have a natural ability to work with and get along with people. This has both inspired and directed my career sequence into Talent Acquisition, Recruiting, Staffing, CAREER COACHING and Teaching. I wasn’t laid off and I wasn’t fired, but personal events in my life dictated a professional re-invention.
I learned to embrace and enjoy the change. I recognized the value in maintaining a good mind-set and the importance of moving my life forward.
Transition and re-careering, under any circumstance, can put your head in a dark place. It forces you to look at yourself from a very different perspective and it will certainly take you out of your comfort zone.
What I discovered early during the transition – ATTITUDE was a key driver to finding new success.