Harmony represents so many beautiful things. In music or in life, HARMONY should provide, by definition, a pleasing effect, agreement, a parallel narrative, symmetry, coordination, friendship, unity, comradeship and among other things a sense of ONENESS.
Careers don’t just happen. No, they require hard work, time, patience, dedication, commitment and HARMONY. Doesn’t matter if you’re right out of school looking for your first real job or you might be a seasoned professional considering making a change; either way the process in front of you requires that you get all your resources working in concert and develop HARMONY.
Identify all your assets and your support mechanisms. Develop a rhythm. Make them fluid. Leverage them and organize.
There are many ways to find a job. You can reach out to your network, you can review any one of several job boards, you can look at LinkedIn, you can search a variety of platforms on the internet and you can reach out to companies directly. You can use social media, attend Job Fairs, or maybe you get yourself a good recruiter working on your behalf – Whatever tools you use, make sure they are working for you and create a united front.
The best way to accomplish anything is to develop an objective. Have goals. Determine your destination and know that what you are looking for will happen with less resistance if you are in HARMONY.