It’s a good thing to know how to be a problem solver, but spending too much time chasing problems is not a good thing. You don’t want to be a ‘bounty hunter’ for problems. If there is too much of that negative energy in your world – you need to make a serious change.

Bounty Hunters are people seeking achievements with the intent of some reward, so think about what you do, how you do it, how much time you invest and ultimately what is the ROI on your TI. (Time Investment)

Problems are always in the way. They create a variety of layers and challenges for us. This, of course is SOP for life. There is no way that a day goes by and you are not confronted with some ‘issue’ that stops you in your tracks and requires a good THINK. Take the time you need, process and make your move to find a solution.

As the sheriff, your badge is your ability to find common threads within a difficult situation that allows you an opportunity to solve the problem(s). The goal is to find a meaningful solution and reverse the situation in order to benefit you and your team with successful results. Take the problems into custody, capture the essence of the problem(s) and do all you can to prevent them from taking charge of who you are and what your objectives in life are.

I mentioned making changes……You can either change the circumstances by leaving where you are and hopefully find a better working environment or you could change the dynamics of how you deal with and react to those you are surrounded with. Either way, if the weight is too much, the pressure too great, the load too much to bear – you need to think about where you are and where you want to be and make an ARRESTING change!





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