You are on the market for a new job or maybe you are in need of a major career pivot that helps you re-invent yourself or maybe you are finishing school and really need to get an internship so you can begin your career sequence and get life moving in the fast lane – Whatever stage you are at in your career development, you need to put ALL things in perspective and begin a good storyline and plan to get your marketing strategy in place.
If you don’t, you will set yourself up for a hard ride that will not only take longer, but will definitely irritate the heck out of you as you work your way through the process. Getting your career moving requires a good system to drive it in a meaningful way that, if you do it correctly, will get you successful results. And, it will do it in less time than if you were to approach it blindly and with no serious intentions. There are so many layers to the process. Think about whom you are and the culture you are looking for. Think about what your strengths are and what market you are after. Then and only then, can you begin to penetrate the market, as you now have a practical marketing strategy in place.
This will take time and if you don’t have the self-discipline to manage it – you are certainly asking for trouble. Every market is competitive and there are many looking for the few opportunities that are appropriate, so don’t underestimate anything. Don’t minimize someone else’s desire to land where you want to be. Take the time, do what is necessary to find information that helps separate you from all the others and puts your presentation in the front row.
Discipline is better than Disappointment.