Knock Knock – Who’s there? Will. Will who? WILL POWER.
And that’s what it takes to get your career in motion, no matter what stage of the game you are at. If you are a student looking for an intern spot, a recent grad on the hunt for the first land, an intermediate job hunter or even if you are an experienced candidate looking to make a move, a career pivot or a complete re-invention; you are in for a ride and among other things, it takes will power.
You will need to create a strategic plan that opens doors for you. You will need to do some market research on your area of interest. You will need to learn as much as you can about the market you are interested in so you can determine just how good a chance you have to penetrate this market as well as learning what opportunities are there…or not.
Will Power is the best way to exhibit self-control and that’s exactly what you need to get this career to advance. It is a process that requires time, energy, smart thinking and in order to position yourself appropriately, you will have to work hard by maximizing all the tools and resources you have available. Network, research, branding yourself with an intended target in mind gives you something to shoot for.
Be determined and take the time necessary to achieve your goal(s).
Be patient. Be pro-active. Be smart and don’t give up. Make sure you knock/knock and find Will Power.