Careers are quite a process. One that requires time, organized thought, patience, passion, drive and nothing less than 100% commitment from you. If you are going to make the career path successful, you MUST do what is necessary. If you are not dedicated to the search, you will fail or at the very least make the road longer and much more difficult to travel. Why add hazards to the road when you have all the tools and the ability to smooth it out before you even begin?
Although the job market is more robust today, there is still a very competitive field to work with and if you don’t prepare, do the research and remain pro-active, you are certainly not going to differentiate and separate yourself from the many looking at the same opportunity you are. I can assure you – you are not the only one looking at that dream job you have your sights on. This is all about seeing a target and figuring out the best way to hit the mark and connecting.
Your network, exploring the various resources you have, reaching out for assistance and creating a dialogue between you and them will get things moving, but the heavy lifting is on you and requires that you really dig deep into the marketplace that you want to be a part of. The secret sauce is in the DESIRE and the DRIVE.
Know your market. Have a plan in place. Be strategic about it. Know who you are. Know your core. Know how to present your brand. Make your brand message a strong one. Make sure you are cognizant of the end-user so your ‘brand experience’ is a good one and leaves a meaningful and impactful impression. The hiring community is your end user. They will sift through many in order to find ‘the one’ that best suits their needs. And, make no mistake this is all about them – not you.
Their ultimate goal, their objective is to get the prize. Be the prize!