Do you have a great line of BS? No, not that BS….. I am referring to Back Story.
How’s your back-story, your history, your credentials, your line of experience – how are you presenting yourself?
Looking for a job is challenging enough these days. The markets are very competitive, the next graduating class will emerge in just a few months and that always adds more hungry, talented, skilled young job hunters to the mix, so if you are not prepared, not researching your market, not initiating a good branding message and not putting together a good line of BS, you are going to drop down the line and fall behind.
Remember, when you are in the job market, at any level, it is important to keep the process fluid and keep it moving forward. That’s what it’s all about – moving forward and making progress.
And, to be successful at this, you need to put in the time, do the necessary research to better understand the market you are interested in and you need to organize good credentials that can be presented well, represent you appropriately and exhibit a really powerful line of BS… in Back Story.
Who you are, what you have done, what you can do, how you will bring in the added value and how you will be able to HELP this company that you want to work for is the message you need to make LOUD and CLEAR.
Get your BS in order. Learn how to present it and make sure that at the end of the day, you are speaking in your own voice with strength, conviction, integrity and that the impression you leave is one that aligns with the people you meet with, talk to and that this company, based on your BS wants to have you as a part of the culture.
Yes indeed, having a great line of BS will make a huge difference in how you present your brand.