To BEGIN your journey, you must BELIEVE in yourself. Above all things have the confidence in your abilities to BECOME something that you are interested in and will take you to a place that is far BEYOND what you dream of. There is no BETTER place to BE than doing what you want and what you love.
BEING happy at work makes you happy in life. It’s a BEAUTIFUL sight to BEHOLD. We spend more time at work than we do at life, so work hard and find the bridge BETWEEN you and your career objectives.
If you can achieve that level of happiness, you find the BENFITS that are attached to ‘life-work balance’.
Set the bar high. It’s not an easy ride. It takes time. It takes work and commitment. Look around you and discover a BENCHMARK that you can work towards and BECOME what you want. And BEFORE you BEAT yourself up, remember this process will test you and your capability to sustain a successful ride from the BEGINNING to the place that you want to BE.
And BECAUSE it takes so much energy, you need to pace yourself, one step at a time. You BEGIN at a place that might feel BENEATH you, but along the way, pay your dues and earn your way. If you don’t work on your own BEHALF, you will fall BEHIND….and we all know that your career and your life is all about moving forward. Bridging the gap from class to career and BEYOND can be a BEAST, but it’s all in your hands. You can control all that and make your dreams come true. Embrace the ride. Learn from it and above all BE the BEST you can BE. BE yourself. BE calm and BE in charge. If you BEHAVE appropriately and stay pro-active on your own BEHALF you can BELONG to the elite club of people that enjoy what they do.