Hey Graduates – It’s time to get your butts in gear and begin to think about what tomorrow has in store for you. I am seeing sooooo many seniors that express all kinds of emotions about graduating in just a few weeks and not having a job or an intern position. Clearly, you are about to cross the threshold of one of the most meaningful times in your young life and with that comes YOUR responsibility to get things in motion. For those that have positions secured, my hats off to you. It’s very comforting to be able to coast through the last few weeks of school, focus on your exams, know that you are in a good place and have a fix on step one to your future.
Enjoy it because you have separated yourselves from the many and become one of the few. YOU HAVE A JOB!!!
For those that don’t, the reasons behind the ‘don’t’ should be explored and discussed and that’s precisely what I am getting an opportunity to do as a career coach – So many students expressing serious anxiety about not having things in place. My job is to identify what is broken and help fix it. For the students that are stuck in ‘fear of forward’, you must find a way to overcome that fear. Fear has a nasty habit of securing itself in our gut and actually creating an overwhelming feeling of weakness. We begin to just accept it and carry it around as if it were a part of us.
DO NOT ACCEPT FEAR. Exhibit some curiosity about your future and show some courage. Embrace your future. It’s such a rewarding ride. Naturally, there will be some bumps in the road, even under the best of circumstances, but if you let fear become the fuel in your engine, those bumps turn into very large hills and interfere with your future.
Get your head in a good place and think about e-MOTION and GREASE THE WHEEL!