If it weren’t for loose ends – we’d have nothing to do.

Did you ever stop and think about your day? I mean really think about it…

How much you have to do, how much you NEED to do and how much you’d LIKE to do and finally – how much you DIDN’T do.


Everyone seems so busy. It’s become a common thread.

I know when I play phone tag and finally connect, the immediate (almost defensive) response is – “sorry I have been slammed”.

I’m guilty sometimes too. My line is, “too many moving parts.”

We just have too much going on. We don’t have enough resources and we definitely don’t have enough time.


If it’s loose – it’s not fixed. Its not in place, it’s not secured – it becomes incomplete and it definitely leaves us with something more to do.

That’s why I don’t like multi-tasking. It dilutes the process and chances are you aren’t getting them all done. Unfinished business…and more to do.


The end gives us closure. It’s done. It’s complete. We have resolution.

Want to eliminate loose ends? Best way – start at the beginning and move it forward and cross the finish line. Accomplish what you set out to do.

There’s no end in sight if you have loose ends.

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