Looking for a job can take its toll, rear it’s ugly head and just flat out, knock you down. It is, after all, a process that takes time, dedication, common sense, patience, perseverance, solid communication skills, a good network and above all – YOUR COMMITMENT and an INVESTMENT in you. This is a ride that demands you keep your eye on the road. So many people run out of gas before the ride even begins. Like anything else, before you put the key in the ignition and step on the gas, you better make sure you have a full tank of gas, a DESTINATION in mind and some sense of direction. What are your CAREER OBJECTIVES? How will you get there? What will be the best and most practical way to get there? What route will provide the least amount of obstacles and hazards? Map it out. Have a plan. It will make for a better journey.
If you prepare, you are PREPARED. Know your MARKETPLACE. Have an understanding about who you are, what you do, where you do it and most importantly, will it add value to the community you are targeting. That VALUE ADDED should be one of your first considerations. If you can’t add value, be an asset and help build, then you are OUT.
Looking for a job is about the BREAKTHROUGH not the BREAKDOWN.