With rare exception, we all have a choice. Personally, I think it’s a privilege to consider choice, understand that we have the ability to think something through and select what will give us the most value.
What can make the selection process difficult are all the circumstances attached – but there is always an alternative. Maybe we don’t make the right choice 1st time out. So what, that’s OK. Common to hear people say, “s#^t happens”. I want to re-coin that phrase. I think it’s healthier to say, “s#^t happens….and then what”. After all, it’s the “then what” that counts. What are you going to do about it? That’s where the challenge is. How do you move on and do it better or differently next time? Every decision comes with some consequence. What’s the worst thing that can happen? We lose time – Small price to pay.
Choices present opportunities.
The tendency is to go with what appears to be the easy way in or out. Ask yourself – What’s my preference? This seems simple enough, however sometimes its’ just too damn hard to see clearly. The process of seeking resolution can be overwhelming – can’t it?
It’s advisable to take ownership on your options. After all, they are yours and you do own them. I like to put a ‘No Trespassing’ sign up on that stuff. Where do you find the guidance to help you do it? I think the best place to look is within yourself.
When you can have that self-discussion and find meaningful answers, it becomes gratifying and very comfortable. That’s a personal victory. Even if you determine that it wasn’t’ the best decision, it’s still a personal success.