We are 3 weeks into the baseball season and for me, a great time of year. I love baseball. It represents a variety of things – My favorite sport for one. Baseball aligns with Spring which to me, is the time of awakening. The season turns from brown and grey to green and many other colors as trees, flowers and life begin to find new energy and wake up. The soundtrack of Spring is full and rich with the music of birds, the sound of the bat hitting the ball and the energy of being outside.
Watching things come to life again is a sight to behold and one that I am always in awe of. I never get tired of it.
Baseball is, in so many ways indicative of our lives. Many of us, myself included wake up with the intention of hitting a home run. Why not? Rounding the bases in life is a great feeling. That said, we know that we won’t hit the ‘round trip’ every time. We all want to hit it out of the park but sometimes we are going to strike out, hit a single, a double or a triple and that’s OK too because there will always be another at bat. That’s how it is in life. Everyday presents a fresh start, a new at bat, a time to look at and for opportunity. Keep your eye on the ball, look for the right pitch and take your best swing.