Quality Control

Ever think about quality and what it really means today? I think about it all the time. I get requests from clients to find them the best talent available for the best price. Price is the challenge. I believe you get what you pay for. Does that impact the quality? Does it dilute quality? Often times – it does.

We all have standards and we should live/work up to them. Clients have standards and their tolerance is different then yours or mine.

Who’s to say who is right – but someone is paying for it and in my mind – that does make them right.

I’m not a big fan of ‘the customer is always right’. Quite the contrary – many times they are very wrong. But if they are paying for the service – guess what…..they are right.

There are characters that align with quality. Excellence comes to mind. Value does too. Special, superior, having great skill/talent to accomplish something needed – I think that’s where we measure quality.

It’s not just about the results. Did they do a good job? What was the experience? Was the process something that distinguished them from someone else? Did they satisfy you, meet the criteria and do it in a way that would make you use them again?

Clearly, if the answers are yes – we achieved quality.

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