Do you make lists? I do. I am a major list maker. I find that people love lists. It is a great way to keep track of what you do, and what you accomplish. Cool feeling to cross things off. One by one throughout the day/week, you can tick off what you did. It’s your daily inventory. Little bullet points in your mind transposed to paper or desktop that measure your day and help you keep on task. Did I do this? Did I do that? If you forget or get lost in time, you can always refer to your friendly reminder….the list.
Gives great satisfaction when you see things checked off and know that you can move onto the next and the next and the next.
Me, personally, I take great pleasure and it gives me a sense of pride knowing that I have accomplished all these things I intended to when my day began. Pure contentment!
There’s something entertaining about having a list and working towards the elimination of the assignments we put upon ourselves, or those that are imposed by others. Either way, we have a mission and need to get things done. It can be a fun game to play.
But what about the stuff we don’t get to? Procrastination steers us away from those things. Somehow, we don’t have time for some things on the list. Funny how we can justify how to manage our time and what becomes a priority and what’s not.
We shift those things – the mindset is later for that.
I am guilty – I just don’t want to deal with it. They remain loose ends. Clearly, it’s not good for your head to leave it hanging. You know in your mind – it needs/should get done, but maybe tomorrow.
Every so often, I find an old list and see something that should have been attended to and just got lost in the shuffle. I get an immediate feeling of guilt and then add it to a current list with good intentions.
Later for that!