What makes a professional today? I get so many requests from clients that include such a medley of skills – it adds a whole new meaning to diversity. It’s difficult enough to source that kind of range, but the real challenge is finding it in a young body at a comfortable price point. Why are experience and a few more dollars a problem? You need a pro – hire one.

Today’s market has forced many very qualified people to work for less. It has become the new norm. We have accepted it. However, when we present someone with the skills requested or detailed in a job description – we find that the experience necessary to fulfill the JD is packaged with someone that is more ‘seasoned’. Many hiring managers will respond, “good resume – but over qualified”, which is often a veiled way of saying “too old”.

Experience has so much value. Maturity, the ability to communicate, manage, make decisions and the ability to get things done How bad is that? I’m an advocate of getting things done. That experience should cost more. It shouldn’t deter or scare a client. Take more experience, get more value and have confidence that you found someone that will do a great job. They come with short learning curve. There is substance behind that experience. Industry knowledge, industry exposure can only speed up the process and create efficiency within the work environment.

In the long run – those qualities will probably save time and money. Don’t focus on a bottom line salary.

Make good hiring decisions by embracing experience and the age that might come with it. That’s what a professional does.


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