Are you successful? How do you measure that? There are many ways to do it. If you work for yourself and self-evaluate, you can be as hard on yourself as you choose.
If you report to others, you are subjected to their criteria. That measurement may not align with your thinking, however, they make the rules and you will need to own up to them.
Myself, I like to keep the pressure on. It’s always game time. I think I am successful, but I don’t want to sit back and rest too long. Don’t like getting too cozy where time gets ahead of me and opportunities can slip past unnoticed.
I look back at my first career and recognize achievements in many ways. Financial, awards from the photo and creative community and respect from the same seems like a reasonable way to gauge success.
I am 4+ years into a new career and I think all the time – Am I successful?
The financial rewards have not been wonderful, but I have remained consistent in building a solid client base, built a database of really quality talent and I have built a brand within Jimmy Levin. For me, at this point, I think success is there and the financials are chugging along.
I think success is a journey. We can chart a course and hope that the elements are kind along the way, but make no mistake – IT IS HARD WORK. How often do you hear, “I am working hard?” Do you know anyone that works easy? I don’t.
It is drummed into our heads from the time we are young, failure is a great way to learn. Equal to that is learning from success.
The key is to remain steady, look at ways to do ‘it’ better and improve upon what you have already begun.
No rest for the weary…….