Deadline….sometimes it can be one of the scariest words you can encounter.
It can create great anxiety for some while others manage it with ease.
Whatever DEADLINE does to and for you, it is common in the workplace and sometimes in our personal lives as well.
Deadline, sometimes called TIMELINE can and will drive us crazy. When you consider the prefix, DEAD in deadline, that can tell you all you need to know. It can just about kill us as we strive to make that timeline. It represents a TIME LIMIT, a final date, a cutoff and if you miss the target, there will be problems. People, clients, colleagues, family members are waiting for you. They are counting on you. To maintain WORKFLOW and push forward; whatever your role in the pecking order is, it’s important to get it done.
All of us are busy. All of us have too much to do. All of us are on overload and the last thing we need is another PROJECT, a collaboration to manage, tasks to complete, an assignment, a proposal to create, an activity, a report to finish…. another deadline, but it’s out there and you must get it done. You can either be part of the PROBLEM or the SOLUTION. But know that you have an obligation, a RESPONSIBILITY, a FUNCTION and if you miss it, you are dead in the line.