With all the external noise we are surrounded by today in media, small screen, large screen, news feed, mobile devices, it’s almost impossible to find any real relief. We live in a 24/7 universe, and it seems to accelerate more and more every day. Tech continues to redefine everything every day and we are at the tip of what will be a continued revolution of information and NOISE. Some of it’s good and some not. Either way, it’s up to us to process all this NOISE and figure out what we filter in and out.
Some days are more difficult than others. If you watch or listen to news, you recognize it’s not just news anymore. No, it’s BREAKING NEWS! Every story, a storm, an indictment, rats on the street, borders, politics, politicians, baby born on the side of the highway, Pulitzer Prize winner, good or bad – The news is BREAKING. Breaking what?
In a word – Good or bad, it’s exhausting.
Even when you love what you do as I do, work will add some level of stress to the day. No way around that. Pressure, deadlines, need it now, emails piling up – All of this can wipe you out. How do you manage?
The secret is to make sure you find ‘me’ time. You must pocket some throughout each day. Take a break. Take a short walk. Go online and read something fun and not related to the job. Close your eyes and breathe for 5 minutes. Listen to some music. Stretch. Disconnect & distract yourself. Look for stress relievers. Recharge and refocus.
At some point – Take a beat.