Because of technology today, ALL of us have some type of ‘device’ that requires some sort of plug-in to recharge it and ensure that when we need it, which seems to be 24/7, it will perform up to our expectations. Computers, phones, electric razor, cars, massager, watches, hearing devices, air pods, portable speakers, headphones, tablets, lights – I could go on and on, but we recognize as things continue to work, get used, they will begin to slow down or shut down. Most if not all these devices have some warning system in place that provides an alert, so we know it’s time to plug it in.
Well, it’s no different for people. We also have warning systems in place. We typically ignore them, or we don’t hear them – Either way, we need to pay careful attention and RECGHRAGE.
It’s normal for us to feel, at times, DRAINED, fatigued, and difficult to perform 100% when the batteries are running on less than full charge.
At some point, we all need to plug-in and recharge. If we don’t, we risk BURNOUT.
Clearly, we are not able to plug-in, but we can tune-out. We can disconnect. We can rest. We can take a nap. We can turn off all those devices and avoid the tech for a short period of time. Vacations and personal time off can help. Just taking a 5–10-minute break from your busy schedule can add extra miles to the ride. Prioritizing instead of multi-tasking can also help.
There are many ways for us to recharge, refresh, regenerate and rejuvenate. Avoiding the warning signs will only wear you down. Listen to these inner messages and find the time to RECHARGE.