The show must go on – A common expression in theater, movies and entertainment. The actual origin of TSMGO comes from the 1800’s circus community.

We all know in life, stuff happens, and when it does, we need to think on our feet. We need to improvise, look for a smart and FAST way to ad lib, consider a way to wing it so we can carry on. The secret is to not freak out but figure it out and keep going. Afterall, what choice do we have? With rare exception, none! Too much at stake.

The show must go on is a great mantra to live by. We engage in so many activities, daily events the odds are that something will go wrong. Even when we are in control, there is the element of surprise, so before you freak out, stop, take a pause, think it through and figure it out. I repeat – Do not freak out. That will only add stress to an already stressful situation.

I make it sound easy – Don’t I? It’s not. It takes courage, intelligence, common sense, determination, an ability to process quickly and maybe even a pinch of luck, but when it all shakes out, the requirements are simple. We need to push on, carry on, keep things moving and continue whatever it is that you are working with. Let persistence prevail. The show must go on.

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