Can you be miserable at work and still feel satisfied?
The answer is definitely – YES!
There are many things that complete a work environment. Obviously, there is the work itself. What you do is important. However, we need to look at the full picture. The people you work with, the environment, the culture, the clients you service, the vendors you interface with, the commute, the people you report to, the people that report to you, the hours and the potential growth.
I know many that are unhappy with their current jobs or as it is often referred, ‘my situation.” I always ask, what’s the issue or issues? Often the response is, I am miserable and I hate it. Jobs are not easy to come by, so let’s analyze that.
If you are really miserable with all aspects of the current ‘situation’, you need to make a change. However, if there are parts that can feed your head, maybe we re-consider and re-evaluate the ‘situation’.
My job is to make you realize all the moving parts don’t necessarily have to move with grease. Your job is to focus on those that do. What satisfies you? What gives you a sense of purpose and pride? What are the positive features that allow you to create, be creative and provide quality results? If we/you concentrate on those, you just might find a balance that allows you to get through the day with a good feeling about where you are and what you do…..despite the miserable feelings attached to your job.
Pretty cool way to think about it. Stay centered and see the big picture. Attitude plays a valuable role in everything we do.