Think efficiently. It begins with you, as you are the best resource you have. In order to move forward in anything – you need to consider and use the assets you have available? Use them – don’t abuse them. Some of these assets are people.

Have respect for these resources. They are a valuable commodity and one you don’t take advantage of.

Our resources are little blessings that give us an edge and offer additional value. Know who they are. Know what they are and begin the process with them in mind. Build from that.

Looking for a job, trying to make a career change, looking to make new friends, looking for a new home…whatever it is, you need to be resourceful and have a plan in place. A workable plan that initiates itself with your resources.

Those resources are the core and that’s what you build from. The core is your strength.

How creative are you? If you are a problem solver, you are an independent thinker with an exploratory mind and a sense of vision. Set your goals. See the target and take aim. But before you shoot, be resourceful, load up with resources. Don’t fire blanks before you begin the process. You gain nothing and you waste time. That’s anything but efficient.


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