Got something to say – say it. Say it with conviction. However, like all things, presentation is part of the package. Be consistent in your thinking and translation. The thoughts in your head need to be expressed, whether it be in voice or written word.

Either way, you need to convert those thoughts and make sure they are not lost in that translation. Make your point and make it clear.

People’s perception of what you are saying is open to debate. E-mail ‘speak’ and text can often present problems, because the receiver is not always going to understand the meaning behind the words, which can sometimes open a can of worms. It’s not always the words – sometimes the ‘tone’ within the message can be taken one way, and the intent is completely missed.

Technology has created a different way of having a discussion. Voice is no longer the primary means of conversation. Map out your thoughts. Navigate that map carefully. Proof read more than once, especially with significant dialogue because once you have it written and/or stated, it is now there for all to see and review.

The margin of interpretation is wide open, so before you hit ‘send’ examine your words, determine the accuracy of your information and verify to establish clarity.



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