How often do we use the ATM? How simple it is…..swipe your card, push some buttons and you get cash.
Of course, before you make a withdrawal, you need to have made some deposits.
Same thing applies to how you feed your head. Before you draw from the well, the well has to be full.
The key is how do we organize all that ‘stuff’ inside our heads? We are all on overload… many moving parts.
Most people tend to organize their thoughts, their day, their week, their month, and their lives. The tendency is to think, re-think and over-think. Prioritize, categorize and compartmentalize all things to get it in order. How much time do we invest on all that? I think it needs to be and should be simplified.
Life is a blur. It travels faster everyday and it’s our responsibility to maximize the time we have. We owe it to ourselves. We owe it to our family and we especially owe it to our colleagues at work. Maximize the minutes. Leverage the day into a more productive and enjoyable experience.
A – Attitude. Keep your head in a good place. Don’t let the daily BS get the best of you. Wake up, look it in the eye and tell it who is in charge.
T – Time. We only have so much in a given day. It moves at lightning speed and can easily take over. Don’t allow it. Use it well.
M – Management. Manage your time in a productive and meaningful way. Don’t over-think , don’t worry about what you can’t control, and keep the day flowing. Believe in your day and anticipate something worthwhile.