How do you move your life forward after you graduate college? Its a question that comes up all the time. As I lecture and conduct my workshop – ‘Classroom ∙ College ∙ Career’ at several Universities throughout the year, I always ask the seniors – how many have a job when you graduate? It amazes me how few hands raise up. Less than 20% have something in place.

Contrary to what many believe, College is not the beginning of life. It is a very meaningful time in a young person’s life – but it really is more symbolic of the closing and the BEGINNING of the next phase of what’s really the start of your journey. Maybe that’s why when you graduate, they call it Commencement, which by definition is a ‘beginning’.

The moving forward process takes courage. It requires a sense of self-awareness, confidence and the ability to follow your heart. You will need to be a risk-taker. You have to think about the ‘what’s next’ and think about how you navigate the speed bumps along the way. In order to create opportunities for yourself, you will have to put in the time and effort, make yourself vulnerable, consider uncertainty and expose yourself in ways that you have never even considered before.

It is new territory and it can be overwhelming. We all fear what we don’t know and understand. But, that is where the fun and excitement lies. It shouldn’t be scary – it should be exciting. If you can get your head wrapped around that concept and keep your head in a good place – you will be fine…..and you might enjoy the ride. It’s called growing up.

Stay focused, stay sharp and above all, stay smart. Think about how you will travel this road. Who will help you? The first place you look is in the mirror. The best resource you have is yourself. Learn to rely on your own ability to think. Be creative. Be determined. Be pro-active. Maintain endurance and be fearless about what lies ahead. Fear is dangerous and it will set you up for failure.



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