As our world continues to change because of technology and the media that is available, we get more and more immersed in the digital landscape and rely more on the available technology, its power and its addictive offerings. If understood and used properly, it creates addition by subtraction. It can add many layers to our lives, and, if you know what you are doing, it can really streamline your lifestyle. Designed to connect you, simplify and quicken the process of so many things. It (technology) is a time reducer. A good thing for sure – Who doesn’t need more time? If we could use time like money, we’d all want to deposit some in the Time Bank and save it for something special. One of the most common complaints I hear is many of us don’t have enough time to do what we need and want to do.

Clearly, technology offers so much and it does add quality to so many things we do. However, it does have a dark side. We now have a generation of Digital Natives, The Millennial.
Fast on their heels is Gen Z. The first truly Mobilized Natives. They are the very first Wireless Generation. They have created a life and lifestyle that is in constant motion. Always on the go. They are incredible at consolidating media onto a small screen in a stunning and effortless way. I am in awe of how instinctive it is and how easy it looks when they are managing it.
Information, connections, education, entertainment and relationships are now at our fingertips. It has re-defined ‘touch’. There was a time when ‘touch’ was physical.
We are de-personalizing activities. We are de-personalizing people’s relationships. We don’t, with exception, touch each other in a personal way. We do it with a digital shield between us.
Touch Screen – Touch Hearts

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