Possibilities and alternatives are, with exception, worthwhile and often a good investment of time. It is a good practice to think about options that are in front of you. It’s also important to stay pro-active and remain vigilant about CREATING those options.

You know that old expression about ‘tossing stuff against the wall, with the hope that some will eventually stick”?

Well, the secret and best approach is to be selective about what you toss against the wall. If you mindlessly and aimlessly throw stuff at the wall and hope something sticks, you are diluting the quality of YOUR TIME and the alternative choices that lie in front of you.

It’s the quality of the possibilities that make sense and where you should focus your effort and the energy.

Think about time as dollars and cents. Nobody wants to throw money away. It’s too difficult to earn. Time has a similar quality. Don’t waste it. Time comes and goes so quickly. Be cognizant of your time and how you manage it. Maneuver your minutes. Make them work hard for you. You invest money – Invest your time also.

As you begin your career sequence, transition your career path or re-invent yourself, you must research, very carefully, what makes sense and what has the most appeal. Think about your skill set. Think about the company and how it aligns with that skill and above all – give great thought to the culture. Is it right for, not just you – but for them? If the cultural fit is ‘off’, it probably is not a good fit and in the long run, it will most likely not be a successful play for you. Research and think about what you are about to do.



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