If you are thinking about career changes, it’s good to rely on your core. What is the substance that makes you valuable? What is your center?

You build off your foundation and your baseline strengths. The ‘root’ of who you are and what you can do is the essence of what supports your credibility.

As you begin to think about a career change, you must understand how to find the parallel between your core and the defined skills necessary to make your move….one step at a time.

Transition can be challenging – but not impossible. If you allow the challenges to get in your way, then you are approaching the change with a significant disadvantage.

You reduce your chance of success. Think about the challenge and the change as an opportunity that is worthy of an embrace. Support your self with the right attitude, mindset and keep your head in a good space as you begin to make the move.

Begin with your strengths not your weakness. You have skills. You have talent. You have drive. You have passion. It’s all about the contributions you can make. dsc_0760bDon’t put obstacles in your path – GO FOR IT!

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