Intimidation for various reasons in the work place can definitely get in your way. They can slow down your progress, growth and possibly impact your ability to move forward.

Talking to all level workers, entry, intermediate and experienced, I have heard many stories about how people are treated, used, misused and politically handled. The key to this is attitude and how you manage the behavior of others and how you can deal with the consequences.

Without question, especially for the entry-level work force, you can become almost a victim of circumstance and find yourself dealing with tasks that just don’t have direct correlation to what your job originally was intended to be. Getting coffee, running errands and other menial tasks were just not what you signed up for. That said, especially for the entry-level worker, you would have to suck it up and hope that you will be charged with significant things to do as well. You know, things that will add value and allow you an opportunity to exhibit real skill and talent. You want to be measured by performance – not how fast you can run an errand.

But, no matter what level you are at and as long as the abuse you are subjected too is all within some reasonable measure and not inappropriate, you need to maintain a good mind-set and a good healthy attitude.

Once you have been there long enough to establish yourself and develop some comfort level, which is different for everybody and each work environment, you then need to figure out a way to approach your direct report, hiring manager and/or Human Resource Director and have conversation and discuss the reason(s) you were chosen to be hired in the first place. Be mindful of how you approach the subject and be especially respectful of the tone you use. The objective is to make your voice heard and gain more responsibility. Maintain a calm demeanor and explain in a very positive manner that you are comfortable doing a variety of things, but your value-added is in the significance and contribution you can bring to the ‘team’. That’s the best way to sell this – the team, as it’s not about you.

So, if you are intimidated by the surroundings – be patient, be positive. Be hopeful. You want to let the intimidation scare you up and not scare you down.


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