Looking at the job market, for some, at any stage can make you feel like a pedestrian walking in a foreign land with no map, no GPS, no sense of direction and no clue how you are going to get from one place to another. It can make you feel like you are trying to cross a very busy freeway and traffic just ain’t gonna stop and let you go.

Difficult place to be – isn’t it?

What can you do? How can you get your bearings? How can you develop some kind of orientation? How do you stop on-coming traffic?

How do you begin to plan the proper path?

You put one foot in front of the other and you make progress….one step at a time. Simply put, that’s all you need to do. Left Foot. Right Foot.

Sounds good, but we all know it can be challenging to make the changes you need or want to and get your career path heading a new or different direction.

The Career Sequence is all about moving forward. Lateral, vertical – anyway you go, you want to keep it moving forward. If you aren’t moving forward, you are either standing still, or worse – you are moving backwards.

As a Career Pedestrian, take the initiative and put one foot in front of the other and make the move toward a meaningful career path.

It’s a beautiful day – enjoy it!!!!dsc_8885b

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