Narrate the narrative. Looking to make your voice heard and get noticed so you can land the next great job, cool intern spot or make a smooth career transition?

Then you need to tell a compelling story about yourself. You will need to present your BRAND in a way that separates you from the MANY looking for the same spot you are. What differentiates you from the rest?

When the hiring community looks at your credentials, what will stand out?

What are the qualities/qualifications that are exceptional? What makes you exceptionally good or better than the other candidates? These are the key questions to ask yourself and the answer is your ‘core’. This is how you build your brand story. It begins with your core. It begins with what makes you essential and the substance with which your story is presented. Your ‘center’ and the interior depth that you show, even with lack of experience is crucial to who you are, your story and the added value it will bring to the place you are interested in. That is the brand message you need to communicate and establish. Your story is the foundation to how your journey begins and progresses.

Are you at the top of your game? Are you a top performer? Are you passionate about what you do? Establish this thought process before you begin and be aware of the presentation style you use. Find symmetry, alignment and an industry-appropriate connection. It helps solidify the brand recognition and will help the hiring community recognize the common ground.

It’s not based solely on talent, creativity and skills. In fact, it has a lot to do with the passion you exhibit. The attitude you show people is just as important as the skill level. Skill is an abundant commodity today. Clearly, some are better skilled than others. We all have skills, so that ‘cultural’ element, that drive, that desire to be successful and the passion is an important piece of the brand story you tell.

Make sure that is part of your narrative. – People will definitely notice it and it can tip the scale of decision.



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