If you were making an investment, you would do research and make sure you were going to get a good return on your investment – wouldn’t you?
Although we know there’s no such thing as a sure thing – you still want to feel good about how you invest your money. You want to spend wisely and bankroll something that has substance and reliability to it. Nobody wants to infuse hard earned money into something that smells like a risk.
The same can and should be said for the people we hire.
Why not hire somebody that has experience? Someone that brings in a reduced learning curve, has a good head for management with the ability to make good decisions based on industry knowledge and someone that can keep your team engaged and agile?
People – money………either way – it’s still an investment. Why not make the ROI work for you and your team.
Put the time in and you have experience. Put the time in and that adds up to years. Experience and time are equal and should create a comfort zone with someone that you hire. It should not be a deterent because they are too old. How can you possibly minimize that significance? You know that experience will give you someone who can make decisions and judgment calls that will impact how things get done?
Experience is time. Experience might cost more, but that’s the investment. Make a good hire, make an investment that will yield a good pay off.
Years of experience is analogous to a candidate’s age. If I send a quality resume to a client with substance and experience, sometimes the response is, ‘good resume – but maybe over qualified’. Isn’t that a veiled way of saying, too old and probably not affordable?
In the current market, the new norm is do more with less and work for less. So, here you have an opportunity to bring in a real seasoned worker that can really help, but the age gets in the way. That thought process is a bad investment. There is no risk with experience.
The best investment is to bring someone like that in and allow them to take ownership, be action based, process, react and find results? There’s your ROI – results.
Everybody wins. Good deal for you, the client and great for the candidate, who really wants/needs a job.
Every Work Environment Should Have Some Grey Hair