As you begin your career journey, you will be confronted with people that push your buttons in a way that can and probably will rub you the wrong way. You will be asked to do things that you clearly won’t agree with. You will be ‘told’ to do things that you won’t want to do as well. Either way, your job is to do the very best you can, do it with the best possible attitude and make sure you give it your all. That is your measure. That is how your team leader, your direct report, your BOSS will quantify and determine what and who you are.

We are marked and assessed by certain standards. The origin of these standards is irrelevant. They exist because they have to be in place. That’s what we call criteria and, for the most part, we all have to abide by the rules.

This applies to the entry-level job hunter as well as the experienced professional. It is nice to have our voice heard and it’s important, once trust has been established to have that voice heard. That said, we all have to know when and how to choose our time and place to say our piece.




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