When you are looking for a job or thinking about a career pivot, you need to get a full understanding about the ‘process’ and make sure you are ready to jump IN. If you are not 100% involved, interested, invested you will not increase your opportunities and options. It all begins with information. Indeed, the first step is to research the market you are interested in. What is your plan? Do you have a plan? What are your intentions?
As you map things out, it’s important to include all of the resources you have available. As you research and gather more and more intel, you partner that with your network. You reach out looking to expand that network by asking for introductions to industry professionals that can assist you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – There’s no shame in that and for those that are reluctant, inhale and just do it. Data supports that 70% of the jobs secured today are through networking. The job boards are great and very useful, but networking is the secret sauce to advance and increase the possibilities.
It’s insane to think that this process will be easy. Never minimize how difficult it can be. It’s not. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes persistence. It takes endurance and tenacity. Above all things, it requires commitment. Think about what you want to do, where you want to be – Use your instincts and indulge yourself with lots and lots of industry data. The KEY to the door is INFROMATION and the objective is to have someone say ‘come on in’.