In order to prepare for something, especially an interview, you must do the research. You do a systematic investigation and a study of information to establish some conclusion(s) about whom you are going to meet and the company they represent. You get the facts. You invest time to analyze, examine and review. You want to increase your knowledge before you expose yourself to the hiring community. Become fluent in their language. How can you do that? Simple, you do the research. There are so many ways to obtain and secure the information you need to prepare and look smart. When you meet someone – you want to make a great impression and leave him or her with the feeling that you are the ‘right’ candidate to be considered and hopefully, chosen.

This is all about time management. Take the time. Make the time. Use it with purpose and take ownership on what needs to be done. If you walk in with a strong sense of their knowledge, you immediately enable the conversation to stay on track. It exhibits awareness and creates a good communication flow. A good interviewer will take notice and they will appreciate the time spent with you.

Be prepared. Research and information is the key to open the door. The goal is to have them invite you in and have a seat.
Never get to comfortable. Always keep it professional, listen carefully to and focus on the questions. Make sure you keep the answers on point. Let the interviewer direct the ride, but make sure you help them navigate the ride. You have this opportunity, so make sure you maximize it.

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