
Looking for a job? Looking to make a career pivot? Maybe you just got laid off and you NEED a job ASAP. There are so many reasons why someone will be on (forced or otherwise) the job market and if that’s you, I want you to consider how you put yourself center stage....

The Best You Can Do

It’s really ALL you can do, but as we all know, in your work environment, you are pushed to do more. At an interview, it’s not uncommon to get the question, ‘please define, ‘what does it mean to go beyond what is expected?’ And you have to process this and provide a...

Look Both Ways

Options are an awesome thing….most of the time. Some people look for alternate ways to do things, to discover, to see what is in front of them, or behind them. Either way, you must consider what is in front, behind, to your left and to your right. As you move through...


What’s your essence? We all have some. It’s our core, our foundation. It’s our root, our character, quality and our substance. And, without some essence, how can you develop? How can you grow? How can you move forward? Actually, you can’t. It would be pointless to try...

Net Worth

Most people associate this term with some financial status…… As someone in the Career Coaching field, I see it as it relates to NETWORKING. Networking is like ‘money in the bank’. As you move through life, you meet people, you make friends, you meet colleagues at...
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