What’s The Big Idea?

Ideas come and go. They flow through our brains like a brisk mountain stream. They travel quickly and if we don’t stop, take note of them, they will disappear as fast as they knocked on the door of your brain. An ‘IDEA’ is high speed and it’s nimble. An idea can be...


Not all of us enjoy taking a RISK. For some, it can be a frightening experience. But without question, an opportunity to take a RISK will present itself and if you don’t act, you could sacrifice something very meaningful and rewarding. We either create opportunity or...

The Sweetness of Success

There isn’t a sole on earth that doesn’t love success. Success is the mark of ACCOMPLISHMENT. It represents EFFORT, commitment, dedication and among many other things, PURPOSE. Success is driven by outcome. What is it that you set your mind too? What is the motive?...

Consider Yourself

Considerations are a thing to pay attention to. Consider where you are in life. Give thought to what you are doing, who you do it for, WHY you do it and most importantly, consider is it something that provides fulfillment. Consider how meaningful things are – Do you...


Funny thing about time. It moves quickly and often it gets the best of us. Managing time can be serious business. We all seem to be busy and how frequently do we run out of time? Common practice. Doesn’t matter if we are at work, home or play – Time moves too darn...
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