Right Now

Great words to live by – RIGHT NOW defies something we are all guilty of from time to time, procrastination. We are all confronted, because we are all so busy, with too many things to do. We do the best we can to prioritize, manage things well and try not to...

Like It or Not

When I hear this or think of it today, somehow, I cannot get away from the authority that I so deeply hated as a kid. It wasn’t the people representing the authority but the authority itself. The coach, the teacher, the principal, the parents, the boss would too often...

Then What?

How many times a day, a week, a year do you ask – Then what? Everything we do is a PROCESS, and a process requires steps that need to be followed. Best protocol on that would surely be, ‘one step at a time’. Getting ahead of yourself typically doesn’t help. So, as we...


Sometimes life can be just that – HARD. We all process ‘hard’ in different ways. There are so many ways to think about this. What at times seems so difficult and overwhelming can in the blink of an eye be resolved and then what’s important is assessing the experience...

Fan of the Plan

I am always coaching my clients about the STRATEGIC plan that is crucial for career development. Looking to snag a great job or an internship require that you do the research, explore, discover, learn about your market, where the opportunities are, identify your...
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