We all have baggage in our lives. It adds weight. Often times, the weight is unnecessary and can be, in all forms, but I am referring to CAREER GROWTH, harmful to your heath. At some point, we all have to unpack, eliminate some ‘stuff’ and lighten the load. That custodial approach will allow you to dig deep inside and give you an opportunity to find your core.

The essence of who you are, who you will become depends on your inner depth and your center – YOUR CORE.

Locating that essence, that center, that interior strength, that depth, that core is the fundamental beginning of all that you will do and, if done well, all that you will achieve. Your success is based on your character and your ability to commit to growth, and one of the best ways to accomplish this, is to minimize the baggage.

So, take an inventory from time to time. Like cleaning out the closet – you just gotta throw some stuff away.


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