What differentiates you from the rest? What makes you a stand out? What makes you more desirable than the others competing for the same spot you want?
Why you – why not?
It begins with a compelling story. Do you have one? How do you present it? Market yourself in a meaningful way. Make me feel like you are the best one available. Not an easy task, especially in this very competitive market. However, it’s how you present yourself and what kind of an impression you leave that will help turn an evaluation into a decision. If the story line is a good one – it reads well. If the perception is a good one – we will have no choice but to stop and pay attention. The objective is to make some noise, get noticed and create an interest in you that makes someone feel secure about connecting with you. Make no mistake, be subtle about the volume. The louder the noise – the less likely you are going to be taken seriously.
So what does give you the edge? How you behave, how responsive you are, how productive can you be are some ways to separate you from the rest. Obviously, how good you are at what you do will play a role in this process. But what really separates you? What are the special qualities?
Will you make an immediate impact? How will you accomplish that? How you distinguish yourself is what matters the most. Communication is the key to unlock that door. Communication must have a push and pull. The ability to listen is equally important as talking. That’s the foundation to relationship building. Relationships lead to trust. Trust leads to confidence. Build that common ground and you have separated yourself. Have confidence in your personal brand. Present it well.
There are so many looking to secure the same place in life that you are. Be outstanding and stand out.