Looking for a job? When you hit the market, you must think of yourself as the brand. Did you just graduate college? Did you decide it’s time to move on to another level? Did you determine you just aren’t happy where you are and in need of a change? Are you just so miserable or did some circumstance occur that forced you to re-think and re-invent yourself?
If any of this applies to you – you are on the market and looking for ‘a job’ and a means with which to get a ‘career’ plan in place.
That’s where branding comes in. If you think of yourself as the brand and try to reach an audience, you must do it as the storyteller and make sure you offer a compelling one. Good storytelling represents great branding. Advertisers and their clients live by this rule.
The brand has to be seen, exposed and shared. That will offer an opportunity to learn about the brand.
If we do this properly, we engage our target audience with innovation and creatively thought ideas that will help get the message in place. As the brand – you need to support it with solid content that allows your target to participate and feel inspired by who you are, what you do and create a belief that you are the right person (brand) for them. You want to influence their decision process.
Marketing yourself authentically should establish the roots for a relationship. How do you do this? I’m glad you asked.
You do it by exchanging ideas, thoughts, creative thinking and telling a compelling story about who you are and what is your core strengths are. Branding is successful when a story line is written, processed and received.
The most important thing when you brand yourself is to keep it real. Be authentic. The competition is stiff, diverse and it challenges all of us to be the best we can be. But above it all, be honest and make sure the audience gets the right message.