Triage often represents URGENCY and if you are thinking about your career as a pivot, beginning, internship or a need for a change, it can often be stressful and create anxiety. Worry and concern can drive us into a mindset of FEAR, APPREHENSION and create TENSION. There’s no fun in any of that. It’s rather unsettling. The UNKNOWN is, with rare exception a dark place and most people instinctively don’t want to go there.
But if you are serious and COMMITTED to your TRANSITION, you have to put all that aside and get a plan in place. Where do you want to land? What exactly do you want to do? Where do you want to do it and whom do you want to do it for? These baseline questions should get you MOTIVATED. Be excited about what lies ahead.
Without DESTINATION, there’s no place to go. Without a LAUNCHPAD, how do you takeoff? Consider your PASSION and let that DRIVE you.
Triage is the process of determining PRIOITIES. What are yours? Careers are serious business. You will spend a great deal of time at work. You will want to be in a good, healthy environment. One that is void of drama and nonsense. You want to be in a company that provides an OPPORTUNITY to LEARN, EXCHANGE, GROW and be CHALLENGED. You want to improve your skills and know that when/if you leave, your equipped, QUALIFIED and able to ADD VALUE along the way.
Your RESOURCES are your medical treatment. Your NETWORK, your CAREER COACH, your SKILLSET and your MINDSET are just what the doctor ordered. Take advantage of what you have and build from that. You will land and FEEL GOOD!