It Is What It Is

Whew, wish I had a dollar for every time I have either heard this or said it myself. I could probably buy a jet. Not that I want one, but the dollars would certainly add up. Because of my career and my day-to-day engagement with family, friends, colleagues and people...

Lead and Learn

If you are engaged in a LEADERSHIP role, you know the feeling of having to be the smartest person in the room. Leadership represents a lot of responsibility. Doesn’t matter the size of the team, you are the one people will come running to when the stuff hits the fan....

Transition and Stress

All my clients are in some form of TRANSITION and the common thread for all of them is some level of STRESS. Any type of life adjustment can cause your stress level to jump. Reorganizing what you do, how you do it, who you do it for can be very unsettling and if not...

The Bottom Line

Seems the more I talk to folks in any kind of business, we are all centered on the data that represents The Bottom Line. In a meeting you hear, ‘OK, I get that, but what’s the bottom line?’ We look at that as the baseline for everything. If the BL isn’t good, we have...


I often use this word as I coach my clients as a metaphor that symbolizes what a career development plan should be. I also use this word a lot to illustrate what life can and hopefully, should be. I try so hard to manage my life by keeping things FLUID. For me, it...

Above and Beyond

There is a work ethic that can help separate you from many others. As you consider your career, making the possible pivot into a new category or just thinking about what might be down the road, doing more is a great way to get this process to move forward. This can...
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