
So much talk today about reflection. It’s almost a cliché today. It’s an overused term that sometimes sounds trite. Make no mistake, looking at yourself is a very good and smart thing to do. You should be your best guide, your best teacher, your best consigliere, and...


I don’t know about you, but this is something I try and do every day. I have been exercising for over 45 years. I have beaten my body to the point that I have had 5 orthopedic surgeries and if I knew then what I know now, you might ask, would you have still done...


There are so many reasons to make us feel BLUE. Rejection must be high on that list. Rejection for the job we covet. Getting shut out from the party that we so wanted to be invited to, being blackballed from something that we wanted to be a part of, getting the...

State of Mind

Isn’t that what most things are – A state of mind. Perception as we have learned can be reality, but REALITY is what should motivate us to distill our thoughts, our agendas, our relationships, our day-to-day activities and assess them in the best way possible. If the...

Right Now

Great words to live by – RIGHT NOW defies something we are all guilty of from time to time, procrastination. We are all confronted, because we are all so busy, with too many things to do. We do the best we can to prioritize, manage things well and try not to...

Like It or Not

When I hear this or think of it today, somehow, I cannot get away from the authority that I so deeply hated as a kid. It wasn’t the people representing the authority but the authority itself. The coach, the teacher, the principal, the parents, the boss would too often...
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