
From the very beginning of time, it has been the instinct of people to explore and DISCOVER. It has always taken courage to seek new lands, find new cultures and unearth something NEW and DIFFERENT. Recognizing the need for something that will make an impact on you...

Thrive and Survive

Transition is the secret sauce to move life, professionally and personally forward. Transition and change is to be embraced – not feared. I have written about this before, but it seems that a common thread with so many I encounter, is built on the APPREHENSION...

Take Out The Trash

Looking for a job? Sucks – doesn’t it? Go ahead – admit it. There are always exceptions to the rule, but most times, when we are looking for a job, there are reasons that don’t necessarily make it a day at the beach – and typically, it’s a real drag to be on the...

What Bugs You?

We all have a list of stuff that bothers us – don’t we? The guy that sits down the hall from you at work is a royal pain in the ###. Your salary. Rules and regulations. Your wife, your husband, your kids, your knucklehead uncle, some of your friends and maybe even the...

New Year-New Growth

Ever ask yourself – Do you have what it takes to succeed in life? It’s a simple question that does not always have an easy answer. We are all so different. We all have layers and layers of qualities, skills, defects, attributes, characteristics that create a ‘no...

Every Day Is A Gift

Marvel at its very existence. Embrace the sight of each and every new dawn. They come and go so fast. We either take them for granted, miss to many meaningful things during our hectic and busy day, let too much slip by and unfortunately, we just take the precious time...
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